We Believe
At Cornerstone we often refer to our faith as “apostolic,” which may not be a familiar word to you, but simply means we believe what was taught by the apostles at the beginning of Christianity. While culture has changed over the two millenniums, the truth taught in the Bible has not. Here is what Scriptures tell us:
About the Bible:
The Bible is the true and inspired Word of God, complete for living today and forever.
About God:
There is only one God, who loves us immeasurably, and He reveals Himself to us as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in regeneration.
About Worship:
The Bible says to give unto the Lord the glory due unto His Name, and to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. We are instructed to clap our hands and give praise with a audible voice.
About Sin and Salvation:
Everyone has sinned and needs to be delivered from sin and its consequence. Salvation comes by grace through faith.
About Faith:
Faith in God involves more than mental assent; it involves obedience to God’s Word (the gospel). Obedience is not to be considered works that earn salvation, but as acts which correspond with living faith.
About the Gospel:
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that He died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. Obedience to the gospel means experiencing death through repentance, burial through baptism, and resurrection through a new life generated by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
About Christian Living:
God changes people’s live by His power so they are able to show their love for Him and for others by serving. God gives people talents and abilities, by His Spirit for this purpose.
About Healing:
God still provides physical and emotional healing, deliverance from addiction, restoration of relationships, and transforms lives.
About Communion:
The cup and the bread are taken by believers together in remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us.
About the Future:
The gift of eternal life with God will be given to all who place their faith in Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures.